张新等:Three-Dimensional Modeling and Indoor Positioning for Urban Emergency Response
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王天星等:Effect of Solar-Cloud-Satellite Geometry on Land Surface Shortwave Radiation Derived from Remotely Sensed Data
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王思恒等:An NDVI-Based Vegetation Phenology Is Improved to be More Consistent with Photosynthesis Dynamics through Applying a Light Use Efficiency Model over Boreal High-Latitude Forests
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司一丹等:Assessment and Improvement of MISR Angstrom Exponent and Single-Scattering Albedo Products Using AERONET Data in China
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薛勇等:Long-time series aerosol optical depth retrieval from AVHRR data over land in North China and Central Europe
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石涵宇等:A Method for Consistent Estimation of Multiple Land Surface Parameters From MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Time Series Data
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冯飞等:Long-term spatial distributions and trends of the latent heat fluxes over the global cropland ecosystem using multiple satellite-based models
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梁剑鸣等A customizable framework for computing sky view factor from large-scale 3D city models
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杨林清等:A Robust Algorithm for Estimating Surface Fractional Vegetation Cover from Landsat Data
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司一丹等:Estimation of Satellite-Based SO42- and NH4+ Composition of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter over China Using Chemical Transport Model
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李小军等:Estimating Subpixel Surface Heat Fluxes through Applying Temperature-Sharpening Methods to MODIS Data
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陶明辉等:How Do Aerosol Properties Affect the Temporal Variation of MODIS AOD Bias in Eastern China?