陈子月等:Examining the Influence of Crop Residue Burning on Local PM2.5 Concentrations in Heilongjiang Province Using Ground Observation and Remote Sensing Data
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肖志强等:Evaluation of four long time-series global leaf area index products
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穆西晗等:Estimating structural parameters of agricultural crops from ground-based multi-angular digital images with a fractional model of sun and shade components
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郑姚闽等:A method for alpine wetland delineation and features of border: Zoig Plateau, China
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Gonsamo, Alemu等:Changes in vegetation phenology are not reflected in atmospheric CO2 and C-13/C-12 seasonality
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辛鑫等:Automated detection of new impact sites on Martian surface from HiRISE images
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彭彬等:Reappraisal of the roughness effect parameterization schemes for L-band radiometry over bare soil
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寇晓康等: Detection of land surface freeze-thaw status on the Tibetan Plateau using passive microwave and thermal infrared remote sensing data
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王聪等:Analysis of Differences in Phenology Extracted from the Enhanced Vegetation Index and the Leaf Area Index
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李莉等:Studying aerosol light scattering based on aspect ratio distribution observed by fluorescence microscope
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倪希亮等:Estimation of Forest Biomass Patterns across Northeast China Based on Allometric Scale Relationship
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田怀玉等:Increasing airline travel may facilitate co-circulation of multiple dengue virus serotypes in Asia