吴彦斌等:Spatial-temporal allocation of regional land consolidation project based on landscape pattern and system dynamics
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孙忠平等:Fine classification of construction land using high-resolution remote sensing images: a case study in planning restricted zone of nuclear power plant
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王小月等:No evidence of widespread decline of snow cover on the Tibetan Plateau over 2000-2015
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李晓军等:Estimation of land surface heat fluxes based on visible infrared imaging radiometer suite data: case study in northern China
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刘玉等:Bistatic Coherent Polarimetric Scattering of Randomly Corrugated Layered Snow Surfaces
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魏香琴等:Cross-Comparative Analysis of GF-1 Wide Field View and Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus Data
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张阳等:A 3-D Joint Simulation Platform for Multiband Remote Sensing
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仲波等:A Cloud Detection Method Based on Relationship Between Objects of Cloud and Cloud-Shadow for Chinese Moderate to High Resolution Satellite Imagery
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王文生等:Detection of Bivalve Beds on Exposed Intertidal Flats Using Polarimetric SAR Indicators
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吴彤等:Aerosol Optical Properties over China from RAMS-CMAQ Model Compared with CALIOP Observations
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王功学等:Fractional Snow Cover Mapping from FY-2 VISSR Imagery of China
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周旺等:Estimating High Resolution Daily Air Temperature Based on Remote Sensing Products and Climate Reanalysis Datasets over Glacierized Basins: A Case Study in the Langtang Valley, Nepal