熊川等: Snow specific surface area remote sensing retrieval using a microstructure based reflectance model
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吴晓丹等:Assessment of NPP VIIRS Albedo Over Heterogeneous Crop Land in Northern China
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王健等: Detecting Forest Disturbance in Northeast China from GLASS LAI Time Series Data Using a Dynamic Model
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崔天祥等:Estimating Diurnal Courses of Gross Primary Production for Maize: A Comparison of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Light-Use Efficiency and Process-Based Models
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王宣予等:MODIS-Based Estimation of Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux over North America Using Three Machine Learning Algorithms
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孟祥臣等:Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Feng Yun-3C/MERSI Data Using a New Land Surface Emissivity Scheme
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肖志强等:Reconstruction of Long-Term Temporally Continuous NDVI and Surface Reflectance From AVHRR Data
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周科等:Sensitivity Analysis of Spectral Band Adjustment Factors For GF-1/WFV Sensor Cross-Calibration
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Insom Patcharin等:The dynamics of wetland cover change using a state estimation technique applied to time-series remote sensing imagery
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程洁等:A Framework for Estimating the 30 m Thermal-Infrared Broadband Emissivity From Landsat Surface Reflectance Data
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赵小杰等:Retrieval and application of leaf area index over China using HJ-1 data
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刘迪等:Monitoring and predicting the degradation of a semi-arid wetland due to climate change and water abstraction in the Ordos Larus relictus National Nature Reserve, China