顾行发等:The impacts of regional transport and meteorological factors on aerosol optical depth over Beijing, 1980-2014
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黄文江等:Quantitative identification of crop disease and nitrogen-water stress in winter wheat using continuous wavelet analysis
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黄妮等:No upward shift of alpine grassland distribution on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau despite rapid climate warming from 2000 to 2014
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卢新晨等:Opportunities and challenges of applications of satellite-derived sun-induced fluorescence at relatively high spatial resolution
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司一丹等:Validation and Spatiotemporal Distribution of GEOS-5-Based Planetary Boundary Layer Height and Relative Humidity in China
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吴俊君等:Methods for sandy land detection based on multispectral remote sensing data
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芶盛等: A global catalogue of Ceres impact craters >= 1 km and preliminary analysis
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孙培军等:Improving the Upscaling of Land Cover Maps by Fusing Uncertainty and Spatial Structure Information
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谢艳清等:Ensemble of ESA/AATSR Aerosol Optical Depth Products Based on the Likelihood Estimate Method With Uncertainties
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范磊等:Evaluation of microwave remote sensing for monitoring live fuel moisture content in the Mediterranean region
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王天星等:Cloudy-sky land surface longwave downward radiation (LWDR) estimation by integrating MODIS and AIRS/AMSU measurements
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王天星等:Toward operational shortwave radiation modeling and retrieval over rugged terrain