孙雪健等:Enhancement of Spectral Resolution for Remotely Sensed Multispectral Image
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徐元柳等:An Improved Endmember Selection Method Based on Vector Length for MODIS Reflectance Channels
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王舒等:Global-Scale Evaluation of Roughness Effects on C-Band AMSR-E Observations
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胡添等:Analysis of the Land Surface Temperature Scaling Problem: A Case Study of Airborne and Satellite Data over the Heihe Basin
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李丽等:A New Algorithm of the FPAR Product in the Heihe River Basin Considering the Contributions of Direct and Diffuse Solar Radiation Separately
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任华忠等:Determination of Optimum Viewing Angles for the Angular Normalization of Land Surface Temperature over Vegetated Surface
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田怀玉等:Changes in Rodent Abundance and Weather Conditions Potentially Drive Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Outbreaks in Xi'an, China, 2005-2012
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穆西晗等:Validating GEOV1 Fractional Vegetation Cover Derived From Coarse-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Over Croplands
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柳彩霞等:Joint Use of ICESat/GLAS and Landsat Data in Land Cover Classification: A Case Study in Henan Province, China
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崔倩等:An Approach for Monitoring Global Vegetation Based on Multiangular Observations From SMOS
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赵天杰等:Refinement of SMOS Multiangular Brightness Temperature Toward Soil Moisture Retrieval and Its Analysis Over Reference Targets
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倪周亚等:Early Water Stress Detection Using Leaf-Level Measurements of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Temperature Data