江波等:Empirical estimation of daytime net radiation from shortwave radiation and ancillary information
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李山山等:Optimal selection of GCPs from Global Land Survey 2005 for precision geometric correction of Landsat-8 imagery
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李旺等:Airborne LiDAR technique for estimating biomass components of maize: A case study in Zhangye City, Northwest China
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姚云军等:A satellite-based hybrid algorithm to determine the Priestley-Taylor parameter for global terrestrial latent heat flux estimation across multiple biomes
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李丽等:A method for estimating hourly photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in China by combining geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data
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董国涛等:The impact of land use and land cover change on net primary productivity on China's Sanjiang Plain
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张晓通等:Analysis of surface incident shortwave radiation from four satellite products
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杨俊涛等:Evaluation of snow products over the Tibetan Plateau
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马文涛等:Impact of rain-induced sea surface roughness variations on salinity retrieval from the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite
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郝鹏宇等:Potential of multitemporal Gaofen-1 panchromatic/multispectral images for crop classification: case study in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China
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邬明权等:High-resolution Leaf Area Index estimation from synthetic Landsat data generated by a spatial and temporal data fusion model
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张虎等:Evaluation of BRDF Archetypes for Representing Surface Reflectance Anisotropy Using MODIS BRDF Data