Boonprong Sornkitja等:The Classification of Noise-Afflicted Remotely Sensed Data Using Three Machine-Learning Techniques: Effect of Different Levels and Types of Noise on Accuracy
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宋超等:Risk Assessment and Mapping of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease at the County Level in Mainland China Using Spatiotemporal Zero-Inflated Bayesian Hierarchical Models
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许盼盼等:Comparison and assessment of NDVI time series for seasonal wetland classification
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焦子锑等:The influence of spatial resolution on the angular variation patterns of optical reflectance as retrieved from MODIS and POLDER measurements
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肖志强等:Evaluation of Three Long Time Series for Global Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) Products
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张潇等:A SPECLib-based operational classification approach: A preliminary test on China land cover mapping at 30 m
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孙淑娟等:Investigation of the depth and diameter relationship of subkilometer-diameter lunar craters
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蔡昆等:Spatio-temporal Variations in NO2 and PM2.5 over the Central Plains Economic Region of China during 2005-2015 Based on Satellite Observations
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张晓宁等:Potential Investigation of Linking PROSAIL with the Ross-Li BRDF Model for Vegetation Characterization
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程洁等:Is There a Physical Linkage Between Surface Emissive and Reflective Variables Over Non-Vegetated Surfaces?
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孟祥臣等:Evaluating Eight Global Reanalysis Products for Atmospheric Correction of Thermal Infrared Sensor-Application to Landsat 8 TIRS10 Data
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孙培军等:Using a Similarity Matrix Approach to Evaluate the Accuracy of Rescaled Maps