金铭等:On the Very High-Resolution Radar Image Statistics of the Exponentially Correlated Rough Surface: Experimental and Numerical Studies
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林尚荣等:Effects of Forest Canopy Vertical Stratification on the Estimation of Gross Primary Production by Remote Sensing
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裴杰等:Analysis of Landsat-8 OLI Imagery for Estimating Exposed Bedrock Fractions in Typical Karst Regions of Southwest China Using a Karst Bare-Rock Index
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卢新晨等:Seasonal patterns of canopy photosynthesis captured by remotely sensed sun-induced fluorescence and vegetation indexes in mid-to-high latitude forests: A cross-platform comparison
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张霞等:Predicting cadmium concentration in soils using laboratory and field reflectance spectroscopy
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胡罗佳等:Monitoring mangrove forest change in China from 1990 to 2015 using Landsat-derived spectral-temporal variability metrics
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刘佳宁等:Decline in malaria incidence in a typical county of China: Role of climate variance and anti-malaria intervention measures
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倪文俭等:Mapping Three-Dimensional Structures of Forest Canopy Using UAV Stereo Imagery: Evaluating Impacts of Forward Overlaps and Image Resolutions With LiDAR Data as Reference
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李天等:Monitoring the tabular icebergs C28A and C28B calved from the Mertz Ice Tongue using radar remote sensing data
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辛鑫等:High-precision co-registration of orbiter imagery and digital elevation model constrained by both geometric and photometric information
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胡荣海等:Estimating the leaf area of an individual tree in urban areas using terrestrial laser scanner and path length distribution model
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穆西晗等:Fractional vegetation cover estimation by using multi-angle vegetation index