李瑶等:Monitor of Cyanobacteria Bloom in Lake Taihu from 2001 to 2013 Based on MODIS Temporal Spectral Data
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毕海云等:Comparison of soil moisture in GLDAS model simulations and in situ observations over the Tibetan Plateau
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郭红等:Comparison of Four Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation Models Using PARASOL Aerosol Optical Depth Data from China
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范萌等:The Effects of Morphology and Water Coating on the Optical Properties of Soot Aggregates
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李旺等:Generating pseudo large footprint waveforms from small footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data for the layered retrieval of LAI in orchards
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李莘莘等:Satellite and Ground Observations of Severe Air Pollution Episodes in the Winter of 2013 in Beijing, China
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倪卓娅等:Investigation of Atmospheric Effects on Retrieval of Sun-Induced Fluorescence Using Hyperspectral Imagery
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肖志强等:Estimating the Fractional Vegetation Cover from GLASS Leaf Area Index Product
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王怡婷等:Scaling of FAPAR from the Field to the Satellite
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肖志强等:Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) from VIIRS Time-Series Data
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江波等:GLASS Daytime All-Wave Net Radiation Product: Algorithm Development and Preliminary Validation
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焦文哲等:Evaluating an Enhanced Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) Based on VIUPD for Drought Monitoring in the Continental United States