肖志强等:Long-Time-Series Global Land Surface Satellite Leaf Area Index Product Derived From MODIS and AVHRR Surface Reflectance
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李莘莘等:Inter-comparison of model-simulated and satellite-retrieved componential aerosol optical depths in China
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邹铭敏等:Satellite observation of atmospheric methane: intercomparison between AIRS and GOSAT TANSO-FTS retrievals
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车亚辉等:Technical note: Intercomparison of three AATSR Level 2 (L2) AOD products over China
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曾也鲁等:A Radiative Transfer Model for Heterogeneous Agro-Forestry Scenarios
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翟永光等:A Modified Locality-Preserving Projection Approach for Hyperspectral Image Classification
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卞尊建等:Retrieval of Leaf, Sunlit Soil, and Shaded Soil Component Temperatures Using Airborne Thermal Infrared Multiangle Observations
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王震等:A Local Structure and Direction-Aware Optimization Approach for Three-Dimensional Tree Modeling
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杨林强等:Comparison of Four Machine Learning Methods for Generating the GLASS Fractional Vegetation Cover Product from MODIS Data
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邸凯昌等:RGB-D SLAM Based on Extended Bundle Adjustment with 2D and 3D Information
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曾江源等:A Preliminary Evaluation of the SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture Product Over United States and Europe Using Ground-Based Measurements
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石林鹏等:Integrating ASTER and GLASS broadband emissivity products using a multi-resolution Kalman filter