报告题目:Development and Applications of North American and Global Land Data Assimilation Systems over the United States: Assessment of Simulations of Water Balance Components
报告人:夏友龙 高级研究员 (美国国家环境预报中心 (NCEP) 的环境模拟中心 (EMC))
夏友龙研究员现就职于美国国家环境预报中心 (NCEP) 的环境模拟中心 (EMC) ,是NLDAS项目的组织者、管理者和主要研发人员。是美国气象学会5届年会LDAS分会的co-chair(2012-2016)。他在陆面过程模拟、陆面数据同化及其业务系统建设等方面具有丰富的经验,在相关领域发表论文60余篇。主要研究领域包括:(1)北美陆面同化系统研发和业务化 (North American Land Data Assimilation System - NLDAS);(2) 北美干旱业务监测 (NLDAS Drought Monitor),季节水文预报系统研发和业务化 (EMC Seasonal Hydrological Forecast System),下一代北美陆面系统研发和业务化 (Land-Information-System-based NLDAS);(3) 各种陆面模式发展和比较。
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) has implemented two Land Data Assimilation Systems (LDAS): North American LDAS (NLDAS, implemented in 2014) and Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) based Global LDAS (GLDAS, implemented in 2011). NLDAS(http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/nldas/) is a multi-institutional collaborative project sponsored by NOAA’s Climate Program Office and NASA’s Terrestrial Hydrological Program. In the study, the development of these LDAS systems will be first presented, and then water-related variables are comprehensively evaluated and compared, and finally the applications in drought and flood events are displayed. In the end of this talk, the future development strategy and direction are indicated.