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Peter van Oevelen——遥感科学国家重点实验室2018年系列学术讲座之九
        报告题目:Water for the Food Baskets of the World: A WCRP/GEWEX led initiative 
  报告人:Dr. Petrus (Peter) J. van Oevelen(Director of the International GEWEX Project Office (IGPO))
  邀请人:贾立 研究员
  报告人简介:Peter van Oevelen obtained his PhD degree from Wageningen University in Earth Observation with an emphasis on microwave remote sensing and soil moisture. During his PhD he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study at University of California at Davis, USA. After his PhD (2000) he co-founded SarVision B.V.,  a small value adding company that specialized in the use of microwave remote sensing of the environment with a focus on tropical deforestation. During this period, he also lectured at Wageningen University. In 2004 he moved to the European Space Agency as the European GEWEX Coordinator and land mission scientist.  In 2008 he became the director of the International GEWEX Project office (IGPO) as part of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) located in Washington DC, USA. Since 2015 he is also Senior Scientist at the Universities Space Research Association. Peter van Oevelen is internationally recognized expert on earth observation, water resources and climate change. His current career is focused on facilitating international research collaboration on water, energy and climate issues and making the science in particular on water and climate issues more accessible to the general public. 


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