报告题目:Natural Hazards in a Changing Climate: Floods, Landslides, and Permafrost Degradation
报告人:Dr. Jing Tao(陶 静)
邀请人:蒋玲梅 副教授
时 间:2018年10月17日(周三)10:00
地 点:北师大生地楼 180
Dr. Jing Tao is a Post-Doctoral Associate affiliated with the University of Maryland, College Park, USA. Dr. Tao holds a Ph.D. in Hydrology (Duke University, USA, 2015), M.E. (2008) and B.S. (2005) in Remote Sensing and GIS, respectively, both from Beijing Normal University, China. Dr. Tao has authored seven peer-reviewed papers in top research journals and five conference papers. Her publications have been extensively cited over 230 times in professional journals and conferences worldwide. Dr. Tao has served as a journal reviewer for Water Resources Research, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Hydrological Processes, etc. She also served as a proposal reviewer for ROSES NESSF16 (NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship in Earth Science) and USAID’s Middle East Regional Cooperation (MERC) Program (2017 and 2018).
Under a warming climate, the Earth System has been and will continue being confronted with many challenges, such as frequent extreme weather events in tropical regions and significant hydro-environmental changes (e.g., permafrost thawing) in cold regions. Both these short-term events and long-term changes often cause severe natural hazards, e.g., floods and landslides (rainfall-induced and permafrost-related). In this talk, she will present work addressing these hydroclimate-related challenges.