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2024.12—至今     中国科学院空天信息创新研究院      研究员

2020.03—2024.12  中国科学院空天信息创新研究院      副研究员

2017.04—2020.03  中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所    副研究员

2014.04—2017.03  日本国立环境研究所                博士后研究员




(1)基于多源遥感的全球重点源识别及碳排放反演方法优化研究  负责人  国家重点研发计划子课题        2024.04—2027.12
(2)高分辨率网格化甲烷综合排放清单  负责人  国家重点研发计划子课题        2021.12—2023.12
(3)中国生物质燃烧PM2.5综合排放遥感估算及其对人口过早死亡的影响研究  负责人  国家自然科学基金        2021.01—2024.12
(4)Biomass Burning CO2 Emissions retrieved from GOSAT observations  负责人    日本国立环境研究所  2018.12—2024.12

(5)统一质量标准的真实性检验场网构建技术  负责人    国家重点研发计划子课题  2018.10—2022.12

(6)基于GOSAT和OCO-2卫星的中国生物质燃烧CO2排放估算研究  负责人    国家自然科学基金  2018.01—2020.12

(7)基于GOSAT和OCO-2卫星的碳排放遥感监测与反演  负责人    中国科学院BR计划  2017.4—2023.12







[1] Liu, Y., Chen, J., Shi, Y.*, Zheng, W., Shan, T., Wang, G. 2024. Global emissions inventory from open biomass burning (GEIOBB): utilizing Fengyun–3D global fire spot monitoring data. Earth System Science Data, 16, 3495–3515.

[2] Su, M., Shi, Y.*, Yang, Y., Guo, W. 2023. Impacts of different biomass burning emission inventories: Simulations of atmospheric CO2 concentrations based on GEOS-Chem. Science of the Total Environment, 876, 162825.

[3] Guo, W., Shi, Y.*, Liu, Y., Su, M. 2023. CO2 emissions retrieval from coal-fired power plants based on OCO-2/3 satellite observations and a Gaussian plume model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 397, 136525.

[4] Zhu, Y., Shi, Y.* 2023. Spatio-temporal variations of PM2.5 concentrations and related premature deaths in Asia, Africa, and Europe from 2000 to 2018. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 99, 107046.

[5] Shi, Y.*, Zhu, Y., Gong, S., Pan, J., Zang, S., Wang, W., Li, Z., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Bai, Y. 2022. PM2.5-related premature deaths and potential health benefits of controlled air quality in 34 provincial cities of China during 2001–2017. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 97, 106883.

[6] Shi, Y.*, Gong, S., Zang, S., Zhao, Y., Wang, W., Lv, Z., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Bai, Y. 2021. High-resolution and multi-year estimation of emissions from open biomass burning in Northeast China during 2001–2017. Journal of Cleaner Production, 310, 127496.

[7] Gong, S., Shi, Y.* 2021. Evaluation of comprehensive monthly-gridded methane emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources in China. Science of the Total Environment, 784, 147116.

[8] Shi, Y.*, Zang, S., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y. 2020. A multi-year and high-resolution inventory of biomass burning emissions in tropical continents from 2001–2017 based on satellite observations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 270, 122511.

[9] Shi, Y.*, Zhao, A., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Zang, S., Li, Z., Yu, T., Gu, X. 2019. High-resolution inventory of mercury emissions from biomass burning in tropical continents during 2001–2017. Science of the Total Environment, 653, 638-648.

[10] Shi, Y.*, Zhao, A., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Zang, S., Li, Z., Yu, T., Gu, X. 2018. Underlying causes of PM2.5-induced premature mortality and potential health benefits of air pollution control in South and Southeast Asia from 1999 to 2014. Environment International, 121, 814-823.

[11] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Zhao, A., Li, Z., Gu, X. 2018. Long-term trends and spatial patterns of PM2.5-induced premature mortality in South and Southeast Asia from 1999 to 2014. Science of the Total Environment, 631-632, 1504-1514.

[12] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Li, Z., Gu, X., Chen, X. 2018. Long-term trends and spatial patterns of satellite-retrieved PM2.5 concentrations in South and Southeast Asia from 1999 to 2014. Science of the Total Environment, 615, 177-186.

[13] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T. 2017. Temporal comparison of global inventories of CO2 emissions from biomass burning during 2002-2011 derived from remotely sensed data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(20), 16905-16916.

[14] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Noda, H. 2017. Interpreting temporal changes of atmospheric CO2 over fire affected regions based on GOSAT observations. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14(1), 77-81.

[15] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y. 2015. High-resolution mapping of biomass burning emissions in three tropical regions. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(18), 10806-10814.

[16] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Saito, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Chen, X. 2015. Comparison of global inventories of CO2 emissions from biomass burning during 2002-2011 derived from multiple satellite products. Environmental Pollution, 206, 479-487.

[17] Shi, Y.*, Yamaguchi, Y. 2014. A high-resolution and multi-year emissions inventory for biomass burning in Southeast Asia during 2001-2010. Atmospheric Environment, 98, 8-16.

[18] Shi, Y.*, Sasai, T., Yamaguchi, Y. 2014. Spatio-temporal evaluation of carbon emissions from biomass burning in Southeast Asia during the period 2001-2010. Ecological Modelling, 272, 98-115.


[1] 《Remote Sensing of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in South and Southeast Asia》, CRC Press,2025

[2] 《Biomass Burning in South and Southeast Asia: Impacts on the Biosphere》,CRC Press,2021



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