
2006.6-2014.1 德国宇航中心(DLR)研究助理、助理研究员、副研究员
2014.1 – 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所研究员
2014.11 – 海南省地球观测重点实验室副主任


1、北极环境遥感与数值模拟合作平台建设,国家重点研发计划,项目负责人,2018.8 – 2021.12
2、卫星遥感和数值模拟的海南岛东南海域内波研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,2019.1 – 2022.12
3、星载合成孔径雷达与地基多普勒激光雷达的海洋风力发电机尾流三维多尺度探测研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,2015.1 – 2018.12
5、南海西北部海洋内波卫星遥感与数值模拟,海南省自然科学基金创新研究团队,项目负责人,2016.1 – 2017.12


《南海诸岛卫星遥感监测与分析》,2018 年,李晓明 等著,海南出版社。
1、 Li, XiaoMing,Zhang,T.Y, Huang, B.Q and Jia, T (2018), Capabilities of Chinese Gaofen-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar in Selected Topics for Coastal and Ocean Observations, Remote Sensing, 10, 1929
2、 Ren, YongZheng, Li, XiaoMing**, Gao, G. and Busche, Th. (2017), Derivation of sea surface tidal current from spaceborne SAR constellation data, IEEE transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(6), pp.3236-3247, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2666086
3、 Li,XiaoMing (2016), A new insight from space into swell propagation and crossing in the global oceans, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp.5202-5209
4、 Li, XiaoMing, Jia, T. and Velotto, D. (2016), Spatial and temporal variations of oil spills in the North Sea observed by the satellite constellation of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(11), pp. 4941- 4947, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2519444
5、 Zhao, Yuan, Li, XiaoMing** and Sha, J. (2016), Sea surface wind streaks in spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imagery, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(9), pp. 6731- 6741, doi:10.1002/2016JC012040
6、 Geng, Xiaomeng, Li, XiaoMing**, Velotto, D. and Chen, K.-S. (2016), Study of polarimetric Characteristics of mud flats in an intertidal zone using C- and X-band spaceborne SAR data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 176, 56-68.
7、 Li, XiaoMing, Chi, Lequan, Chen, Xueen, Ren, YongZheng and Lehner, Susanne (2014) SAR observation and numerical modeling of tidal current wakes at the East China Sea offshore wind farm. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 119 (8), pp. 4958-4971
8、 Li, Xiao-Ming and Lehner, Susanne (2014) Algorithm for sea surface wind retrieval from TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(5), pp. 2928 - 2939. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2267780
9、 Li, Xiao-Ming and Lehner, Susanne and Bruns, Thomas (2011) Ocean Wave Integral Parameter Measurements Using Envisat ASAR Wave Mode Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49 (1), pp. 155-174.
10、Li, XiaoMing, Xiaofeng Li and MingXia. HE (2009), Coastal Upwelling Observed by Multi-Satellite Sensors, Science in China (D-Series), 52(7), pp.1030-1038