


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42175147,2022-2025)
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(41501395,2016-2018)
3. 大气同步校正验证与评价系统项目
4. GF-5 DPC在轨测试及反演关键技术项目
5. 人为碳排放遥感精度评估项目

1. 2020年北京市自然科学二等奖
2. 2020年环境保护科学技术二等奖
3. 2020年测绘科学技术二等奖
4. 2023年安徽省空间遥感学会科学技术特等奖

1. Li, Z., Li, Z., Ji, Z., Xie, Y.*, Zhang, Y., Yang, Z., Shi, Z., Qie, L., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Gu, H.: Improvement of Space-Observation of Aerosol Chemical Composition by Synergizing a Chemical Transport Model and Ground-Based Network Data, Remote Sensing, 16(23), 4390, doi: 10.3390/rs16234390, 2024.4
2. Shi, Z., Xie, Y.*, Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Chen, C., Mei, L., Xu, H., Wang, H., Zheng, Y., Liu, Z., Hong, J., Zhu, M., Qie, L., Zhang, L., Fan, C., and Guang, J.: A generalized land surface reflectance reconstruction method for aerosol retrieval: Application to the Particulate Observing Scanning Polarimeter (POSP) onboard GaoFen-5 (02) satellite, Remote Sensing of Environment, 295, 113683, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2023.113683, 2023.
3. 李正强, 谢一凇*, 张莹, 李雷, 许华, 李凯涛, 李东辉: 大气气溶胶成分遥感研究进展, 遥感学报, 23, 359-373, doi: 10.11834/jrs.20198185, 2019.
4. 谢一凇, 李正强, 侯伟真, 张洋, 伽丽丽, 李莉, 李凯涛, 许华: 高分五号卫星多角度偏振成像仪细粒子气溶胶光学厚度遥感反演, 上海航天, 36, 219-226, doi: 10.19328/j.cnki.1006-1630.2019.S.033, 2019.
5. Xie, Y., Li, Z.*, Li, L., Wagener, R., Abboud, I., Li, K., Li, D., Zhang, Y., Chen, X., and Xu, H.: Aerosol optical, microphysical, chemical and radiative properties of high aerosol load cases over the Arctic based on AERONET measurements, Scientific Reports, 8, 9376, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-27744-z, 2018.
6. Xie, Y., Li, Z.*, Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, D., Li, K., Xu, H., Wang, Y., Chen, X., Schauer, J., and Bergin, M.: Estimation of atmospheric aerosol composition from ground-based remote sensing measurements of Sun-sky radiometer, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 498-518, doi: 10.1002/2016JD025839, 2017.
7. Xie, Y., Li, Z.*, Li, D., Xu, H., and Li, K.: Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties of Four Typical Sites of SONET in China Based on Remote Sensing Measurements, Remote Sensing, 7, 9928-9953, doi: 10.3390/rs70809928, 2015.
8. Xie, Y., Li, Z.*, Li, L., Wang, L., Li, D., Chen, C., Li, K., and Xu, H.: Study on influence of different mixing rules on the aerosol components retrieval from ground-based remote sensing measurements, Atmospheric Research, 145-146, 267-278, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.04.006, 2014.
9. 李正强, 张莹, 谢一凇, 魏瑗瑗, 大气颗粒物遥感技术与方法, 科学出版社, ISBN: 978-7-03-075963-4, 2023(专著)
10. Li, Z., Xie, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, L. Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Aerosol Composition and Species, SPIE Press, ISBN: 9781510630437, 2019(专著)