


1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(B类):多角度热红外遥感,2025-2027,负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:复杂地表辐射收支虚拟星座多角度遥感监测机理研究,2020-2024,骨干
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:非均质场景热辐射方向性核驱动模型研究,2019-2022,负责人
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:非均质场景热辐射方向性模型构建与应用研究,2016-2018,负责人

1. Qin, B., Chen, S., Cao, B.*, Yu, Y., Yu, P., Na, Q., ... & Liu, Q. (2025). Angular normalization of GOES-16 and GOES-17 land surface temperature over overlapping region using an extended time-evolving kernel-driven model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 318, 114532.
2. Na, Q., Li, H., Cao, B.*, Qin, B., Zheng, L., Bian, Z., ... & Liu, Q. (2024). Comprehensive Analysis of Current 1-km Land Surface Temperature Products in Sparsely Vegetated Area: T-based Evaluation, Thermal Anisotropy and Joint Application. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
3. Qin, B., Cao, B.*, Roujean, J. L., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J. P., Ermida, S. L., Bian, Z., ... & Liu, Q. (2023). A thermal radiation directionality correction method for the surface upward longwave radiation of geostationary satellite based on a time-evolving kernel-driven model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 294, 113599.
4. Cao, B., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J. P., Yin, T., Bian, Z., Bai, J., Fang, J., ... & Liu, Q. (2023). Optimizing the protocol of near-surface remote sensing experiments over heterogeneous canopy using DART simulated images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 1-16.
5. Bian, Z., Wu, S., Roujean, J. L., Cao, B.*, Li, H., Yin, G., ... & Liu, Q. (2022). A TIR forest reflectance and transmittance (FRT) model for directional temperatures with structural and thermal stratification. Remote Sensing of Environment, 268, 112749.
6. Cao, B., Roujean, J. L., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J. P., Liu, Q., Du, Y., Lagouarde, J. P., ... & Xiao, Q. (2021). A general framework of kernel-driven modeling in the thermal infrared domain. Remote Sensing of Environment, 252, 112157.
7. Cao, B., Liu, Q., Du, Y., Roujean, J. L., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J. P., Trigo, I. F., ... & Xiao, Q. (2019). A review of earth surface thermal radiation directionality observing and modeling: Historical development, current status and perspectives. Remote Sensing of Environment, 232, 111304.
8. Cao, B., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J. P., Du, Y., Li, H., Bian, Z., Hu, T., ... & Liu, Q. (2019). Evaluation of four kernel-driven models in the thermal infrared band. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(8), 5456-5475.
9. Hu, T., Renzullo, L. J., Cao, B.*, van Dijk, A. I., Du, Y., Li, H., ... & Liu, Q.* (2019). Directional variation in surface emissivity inferred from the MYD21 product and its influence on estimated surface upwelling longwave radiation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 228, 45-60.
10. Cao, B., Guo, M., Fan, W., Xu, X., Peng, J., Ren, H., ... & Liu, Q. (2018). A new directional canopy emissivity model based on spectral invariants. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(12), 6911-6926.