李雪艳等:Projected impacts of climate change on protected birds and nature reserves in China
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Tian, Y等:Quantification of Cannabinoid Content in Cannabis
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杨斌等:Automatic Classification of Remote Sensing Images Using Multiple Classifier Systems
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邬明权等:Generating Daily Synthetic Landsat Imagery by Combining Landsat and MODIS Data
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翟梦茜等:Sea-ice conditions in the Adelie Depression, Antarctica, during besetment of the icebreaker RV Xuelong
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陈冠良等:Extension and Validation of an Advanced Integral Equation Model for Bistatic Scattering from Rough Surfaces
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郝鹏宇等:Feature Selection of Time Series MODIS Data for Early Crop Classification Using Random Forest: A Case Study in Kansas, USA
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宋立生等:Using the Surface Temperature-Albedo Space to Separate Regional Soil and Vegetation Temperatures from ASTER Data
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田丽等:MODIS NBAR Time Series Modeling With Two Statistical Methods and Application to Leaf Area Index Recursive Estimation
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范渭亮等:GOST2: The Improvement of the Canopy Reflectance Model GOST in Separating the Sunlit and Shaded Leaves
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王杰等:Adaptively weighted decision fusion in 30 m land-cover mapping with Landsat and MODIS data
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闻建光等:Modeling Land Surface Reflectance Coupled BRDF for HJ-1/CCD Data of Rugged Terrain in Heihe River Basin, China