曹春香等:Allometric scaling theory-based maximum forest tree height and biomass estimation in the Three Gorges reservoir region using multi-source remote-sensing data
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郭红等:Comparison of Four Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation Models Using PARASOL Aerosol Optical Depth Data from China
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王思恒等:Monitoring and Assessing the 2012 Drought in the Great Plains: Analyzing Satellite-Retrieved Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Drought Indices, and Gross Primary Production
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寇小康等:Estimation of Land Surface Temperature through Blending MODIS and AMSR-E Data with the Bayesian Maximum Entropy Method
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高海亮等:Validation of the Calibration Coefficient of the GaoFen-1 PMS Sensor Using the Landsat 8 OLI
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乔海浪等:Classification of Small-Scale Eucalyptus Plantations Based on NDVI Time Series Obtained from Multiple High-Resolution Datasets
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贾傲林等:Validation and Spatiotemporal Analysis of CERES Surface Net Radiation Product
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吴晓旭等:Impact of climate change on human infectious diseases: Empirical evidence and human adaptation
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陈好等:Characteristics of aerosols over Beijing and Kanpur derived from the AERONET dataset
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曹春香等:Integrated detection and analysis of earthquake disaster information using airborne data
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邬明权等:An improved high spatial and temporal data fusion approach for combining Landsat and MODIS data to generate daily synthetic Landsat imagery
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贾坤等:Fractional vegetation cover estimation algorithm for Chinese GF-1 wide field view data