张阳等:Convenient Measurement and Modified Model for Broadleaf Permittivity
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王晓霞等:Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Method Through Dynamic Bayesian Network Combining Radiative Transfer Model and Crop Growth Model
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胡添等:Estimation of Upward Longwave Radiation From Vegetated Surfaces Considering Thermal Directionality
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董迪等:SAR Observation of Eddy-Induced Mode-2 Internal Solitary Waves in the South China Sea
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曾也鲁等:An Iterative BRDF/NDVI Inversion Algorithm Based on A Posteriori Variance Estimation of Observation Errors
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陈明星等:Population distribution and urbanization on both sides of the Hu Huanyong Line: Answering the Premier's question
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陶明辉等:Spatial oscillation of the particle pollution in eastern China during winter: Implications for regional air quality and climate
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刘玉等:Modeling and Characteristics of Microwave Backscattering From Rice Canopy Over Growth Stages
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张霞等:Crop Classification Based on Feature Band Set Construction and Object-Oriented Approach Using Hyperspectral Images
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王跃斌等:A Three-Layered Graph-Based Learning Approach for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
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张亮等:Occlusion-Free Visualization of Important Geographic Features in 3D Urban Environments
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徐同仁等:Partitioning Evapotranspiration into Soil Evaporation and Canopy Transpiration via a Two-Source Variational Data Assimilation System