
The Cloud remote sensing, Atmosphere radiation and Renewal Energy application (CARE) product


Satellite remote sensing products on cloud properties and surface radiation parameters are indispensable for understanding global energy budget and cloud-radiation-climate interactions.


The CARE product is an ensemble of satellite-based dataset. CARE version 1.1 product includes 26 key parameters on cloud and heavy aerosol properties, radiation parameters and so on. Most of CARE products are generated based on the Himawari-8 and Fengyun-4 new-generation geostationary satellite measurements. In the future, we plan to expand the CARE products by including multiple new-generation geostationary satellites (e.g., MSG2, GOES-R) to provide a more abundant representation of the Earth's environment and climate on a near-global scale.


Two regional products are now available

Product Overview


(2016 - 2020)


Tibetan Plateau/ Asia-Pacific/ Global

Spatial/ Temporal resolution

0.01° ~ 0.1°

30min ~ 1h





Product category

Aerosol product,

Precipitation product,

Water vapor product,

Cloud macro-physical product,

Cloud micro-physical and optical product,

Cloud forcing product,

Flux product,

Radiative forcing product


Satellites used by the product